Eight resistance band exercises for osteoporosis - Dr Matty Wong DC


Eight resistance band exercises for osteoporosis

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The bone density peaks at our 30s and then gradually declines. To prevent osteoporosis, it is necessary to act at early stage and accumulate bone density through diet and proper exercise.

Beware of osteoporosis

During a person’s growth from infancy to youth, the body continuously absorbs calcium, and the bone density is extremely high. However, after the age of 18 to the age of 35, the overall bone mass has reached its peak, and the calcium has begun to gradually decrease after that. As we often hear, a large amount of calcium loss can become osteoporosis. If the bone density becomes thinner, the bone will present a small hole, and finally the bone will only have a shell and the pores between the bone will become larger (See Figure 1) Early osteoporosis has no specific symptoms, and it is more important to do prevention.

Of course, osteoporosis is generally occurs in women more, especially women reach menopause, the body’s hormone changes, and the decline of estrogen leads to serious calcium loss. Other people who are more susceptible to osteoporosis, including hormonal imbalances; Those who take antibiotics regularly; Obesity or family inheritance are common causes.

The patient’s bone density can lead to bone fractures, increased pressure on the cartilage tissue between bones and bones and thinning, the most obvious is to make the spine lean forward, leading to slouching, gradually forming a hunchback, while the cervical spine degenerate the head is protrude, because the ribs are on top of the pelvic bone, pressed to the patient’s abdomen, affecting ingest amount of food, and the patient will have bone pain in the back and lower back. Due to the fragility of the bones, patients are also prone to fractures, especially the elderly, who are at risk of accident falls, and sometimes even spontaneous fractures. Among them, the spine, thigh bone, and wrist bone are more commonly broken site, and if the femur is broken, the impact is more serious. (See Figure 2)

Because there are no specific signs of early osteoporosis, patients usually find that a large amount of bone density has been lost at the time of fracture. Prevention is better than treatment, the best way to prevent osteoporosis is to check early, through the DEXA bone density test, the doctor can understand the patient’s health status, condition and the degree of osteoporosis of the patient and related affected parts, and make proper treatment plan .

Eight resistance band exercises for osteoporosis


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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