What is cervical disc protrusion? - Excel Medical Group


What is cervical disc protrusion?

Excel Medical Group


Causes, symptoms and treatment of cervical disc protrusion

Patients with severe neck pain due to herniate disc accountable for more than 50%. Therefore, we should not underestimate neck pain, because in severe cases, it can even cause hand numbness or loss of hand muscle strength, resulting in disability.

4 types of cervical spondylosis, causes and symptoms

Clinical cervical spondylosis can be roughly divided into four categories: Non-Radicular Neck Pain, Radiculopathy, Cervical Spondylitis, and Instability. The causes and symptoms of each are different.

Non-radicular neck pain Cartilage degeneration or muscle cramps Neck pain
Cervical spondylitis Nerve roots compressed by bone spurs or cartilage

 Stretching from the neck to the arms and fingers

Radiculopathy Cervical spine stenosis Numbness, imbalance, incontinence
Instability Injury due to accident May include the above symptoms

This article focuses on the symptoms of cervical disc herniation. The cervical spine joints where the cervical disc is most compressed is C5, 6. Generally, X-rays show that the space between the vertebrae is reduced and the vertebrae have signs of degeneration.

The reflex pain and numbness of each cervical disc protrusion can be distributed in different positions of the hand (Figure 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). To distinguish the protruding disc, it is necessary to check the muscle strength of the hand in detail, perform a reflex nerve test, and identify the patient's symptoms to confirm the diagnosis.

Cervical cartilage and pain

Cervical cartilage positionAffected area or paralysisWeakened muscles
C4,5 (C5 nerve root is compressed) Figure 1Neck, Shoulder and upper armBiceps
C5,6 (C6 nerve root is compressed) Figure 2Neck、Shoulder、Lower arm, fingers, thumb and index fingersBiceps
C6,7(C7nerve root is compressed) figure 3Neck、Shoulder、Shoulder blades、upper arm、index and middle fingersTriceps
C7,T1(C8nerve root is compressed) figure 4Neck、Shoulder blades、arm、4th and 5th fingersFinger muscle strengths
T1-T2(T1nerve root is compressed) figure 5Neck、Shoulder Blades and lower armFinger Muscle Strength










圖五︰T1-T2椎節壓著T1 神經線


Generally, patients suffering from cervical disc protrusion feel that the neck pain is very sudden, and the neck will feel sore in the initial stage, and the pain will suddenly turn into severe pain and neck weakness. It is difficult to raise the head or the head cannot move flexibly. In addition, the neck and shoulders are strained and extreme pain. In severe cases, some patients may also experience numbness of their hands. The patient often rests and sleeps until midnight. The severe pain in the neck will cause the patient wake up with pain, making it difficult to fall asleep again, affecting the quality of sleep and causing emotional instability.

Decompression of disc protrusion

The treatment of cervical disc and lumbar disc pain is mainly through Cox Decompression Manipulation (Cox®Technic). During Cox® Decompression manipulation technique , the patient’s neck pain will not be significantly reduced after one or two treatments. However, since the pressure in the disc cannot be reduced all at once, the patient can use ice pack or take pain killer at this time. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain and reduce pain in the affected area. Of course, the patient should rest more and not move too much, so that the affected area can be gradually treated. When the disc condition improves, it is necessary to strengthen the neck muscles and improve the wrong posture in work or daily life.

Cox ® Decompression Treatment


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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