Symptoms of the spinal cord and nerve root compression
Pain in the neck and compressed nerve roots causing pain in the arm
Signs of mild spinal cord compression
Today is another Sunday operation day again!!!
I have been considering and choosing the best surgical plan for you. I think this surgery option is best for you because your C5/6 facet joint is very unstable. This is my prediction before the operation and the confirmation under the microscope during the operation
When you woke up from the anesthetic, you asked me how to evaluate my satisfaction with the results of the operation (100 points out of 100). I answered: 99 points because your cervical spine is unstable and painful, you can’t escape the screw-inlaid cervical spine fusion surgery, but you only need a C5/6 cervical spine fusion! For cervical vertebrae C3 to C5, I only had nerve decompression with laminectomy.
(#) This is an individual case, and the actual results vary from person to person.