Headache - the cause and the symptoms - Excel Medical Group


Headache – the cause and the symptoms

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Headache – the cause and the symptoms

Headache is common. According to epidemiological statistics, for a population of 100,000, there are about 70 to 80,000 people who have experienced headaches a year. Thousands of people experience a severe and unbearable headaches.  About 1,600 people will consult general family doctor, of which 280 will be referred for further examinations, while only about 10 will have a diagnosis of a brain tumor. From this data, headache is a very frequent symptom.


The common headaches are as follows:

Headache and temple headache

It is usually a “stress-tension headache", which can be caused by excessive stress or a sign of a cold.


Repeated mild or severe headaches, and easily caused by anxiety, anger and stress, may be migraine.

Neck to head pain

It is common in people with incorrect posture. When the neck muscles become tense for a long time and become stiff, it may also cause “tensive head and neck pain."

Headache under or behind the eyes

It may be caused by “sinusitis", but if it is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting and other symptoms, it is a “cluster headache", it is recommended to seek medical treatment immediately.

Severe pain throughout the head

If you have symptoms such as being afraid of light, dizziness, vomiting, etc., do not hesitate to consult a doctor for this kind of headache, because it may be a severe headache caused by a stroke precursor.

The causes of headaches include dangerous diseases include cerebral hemorrhage (intracranial hemorrhage), cerebral infarction, brain tumor, and encephalitis. If there is no possibility of suffering from these diseases, you don’t need to worry too much about headaches. However, minor headaches may also be a sign of these diseases, and everyone must also pay attention to. Take cerebral hemorrhage as an example, usually, there is a small bleeding first and then a temporary headache. However, cerebral infarction does not show any conscious symptoms at all. Therefore, a mild headache cannot be regarded as a normal headache. If the headache persists, do not take it lightly, and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

There are various reasons for cerebral infarction, most of which are related to cardiovascular disease. People with irregular heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation are prone to cerebral infarction. People with “hypertension", “high cholesterol", “arteriosclerosis", and “diabetes" also need special attention.

The common cause of cerebral hemorrhage is high blood pressure. High blood pressure and there is a history of a cerebral hemorrhage in the family, as long as an aneurysm or congenital vascular abnormality in the brain, coupled with poor blood pressure control, may cause cerebral hemorrhage. As for young people, brain tumors are more likely to occur. However, brain tumors do not have a sudden headache, but symptoms appear as the tumor grows. Brain tumors are characterized by headaches that get worse, especially in the morning when they wake up.

In fact, these dangerous diseases can be diagnosed with precision using MRI or CT. Ordinary health checks usually do not check the brain, so when symptoms appear, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible. Specialist doctors will judge whether there is cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, brain tumor, and other dangerous diseases based on the various symptoms provided by the patient.



MBBS (HK), FCSHK, FRCS (Edin), FHKAM (Surgery)

Excel Medical Group
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