Five exercises to stretch lower back before sleeping - Excel Medical Group


Five exercises to stretch lower back before sleeping

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Low back pain is a fairly common condition, some people only have pain when they are active, and some people are in pain at any time; Some people will see doctor right away, and some people just don’t pay much attention. However can be relieved by a few simple stretching exercises.

Whether it is a chronic low back pain, or from low back injury, if you often feel pain, not only will make people physically and mentally exhausted. Common causes of low back pain include the following:

Spinal misalignment

Spinal misalignment can reduce the intervertebral nerve foramen opening, compresses nerve roots  and produces low back pain and numbness. In our daily activities, there are many postures and movements that can lead to muscle imbalance and trigger spinal misalignment. Misaligned spine can increase pressure on nerve, which can cause pins and needle sensation, burning, or cold sensations in the hands and feet.

Intervertebral disc herniation

Disc herniation is one of the causes of low back pain or sciatica. It is not only restless, low back pain, foot numbness, but also can make people unable to move and work when in severe cases. The intervertebral disc located between the upper and lower vertebrae, consisting of an inner gel-filled like nucleus and an outer fibrous ring. The role of the intervertebral disc is to absorb the pressure on the spine, and has the effect of shock absorption, when we bend the body forward or backward, the intervertebral disc at the same time to make different shapes to match the body’s movements. However, with the increase of age and the long-term weight of the body, the nucleus will begin to dehydrate and deteriorate around the age of 30, the ability to absorb pressure will gradually decrease, and the fiber ring will also begin to degenerate. At this time, improper posture may cause a herniated disc. When the disc of the lumbar spine is herniated, it causes pain in the lower back, whether the pain extends from the back to the buttocks, thighs (lateral or medial), calves (posterior, anterolateral or anterior medial), the back of the foot and the soles of the feet feel numb, and the pain is usually exacerbated when coughing, sneezing, bending over, or holding heavy objects. Patients also feel that it is difficult to stand or walk, the body is often tilted to one side, in severe cases not only pain and numbness present, it may also cause lower limb atrophy and weakness. Lumbar disc herniation is most commonly between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, followed by between the fifth lumbar spine and the first vertebrae, and may also occur in the third and fourth segments. Other diseases in the spine such as spine or spinal cord tumors, spinal stenosis, which may cause symptoms similar to herniated discs, it is necessary to undergo an MRI scan, with a diagnosis rate of 85 to 90%. MRI scans are fairly safe without radiation and do not require hospitalization.

Sprained Muscle

Acute lumbar pain after sprains, usually by the next morning, severe pain, stiffness, inactivity, and muscle tension. The patient walks very slowly, the back is slightly bent and sideways, and after sitting down, he cannot straighten his lower back and need to get up, and he cannot stand up without pain. Some patients feel low back pain extending to the back of thigh and buttocks, and it is very painful to bend forward. If the condition is severe then the soft tissues or joints are injured, the muscles will continue to become inflamed, and gradually change from acute lumbar pain to chronic lumbar pain.

Treatment of acute lumbar pain reduces muscle cramps and inflammation, sprains can be immediately applying the ice on the affected area to reduce inflammation, if after two days the situation does not improve, it is recommended to seek a chiropractor. After completing the treatment, appropriate lumbar exercises should be done to strengthen the psoas muscles and consolidate soft tissues, so that the lower back will not be repeatedly injured. Remember not to rely on anti-inflammatory medication for a long time to ease the pain, these drugs can only be used for pain relief and anti-inflammatory for a few days after injury, such as long-term use not only prolongs the time of muscle recovery, but also increases the chance of injury in the inner layer of the muscle, because after taking painkillers, we feel that the pain in the affected area is eliminated, we mistakenly think that we have recovered and can move freely, so as to delay the symptomatic treatment of finding out the cause of pain.


When we stressed, the blood pressure and heart rate increase, and the muscles tighten. Once the pressure continues, greater tension will lead to muscle pain and weakness, better to do some exercises to maintain the heart , lung and muscle function.


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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