How to treat severe lumbar disc herniation? - Excel Medical Group


How to treat severe lumbar disc herniation?

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On October 2011, 33-year-old Miss Wen was suffering from severe intervertebral disc herniation , causing pain and numbness in the lower back and feet. She was about to get married at the time, so she did not consider other doctors’ suggestion of “surgery to remove the intervertebral disc." It took the author three months using Cox® decompression manipulation, Miss Wen slowly recovered.

Case Sharing

Miss Wen has been undergoing Cox® treatment every three months then recover. Recently, she was preparing to become pregnant. After learning about it, the author recommended that Miss Wen take an MRI scan to check the condition of the previously severe herniated discs in the fourth and fifth sections in 2011. The results were pleasantly surprised to find that  the extent of the fourth and fifth intervertebral disc herniation has been greatly improved, and the previously huge bulging disc compression disappeared.

Cox® Decompression Manipulation uses a special Cox® decompression treatment table, and then the author decompresses the patient’s intervertebral disc section.

During the decompression process, the following effects will be produced:

  1. The pressure in the intervertebral disc  is reduced.
  2. Increase the space between the vertebrae of the spine.
  3. The pressure on the annulus and nerve roots is reduced.

4. Recover spine mobility.

Cox® decompression manipulation effect

  1. 91% of the patients can achieve the greatest improvement within three months.
  1. 78% of patients reported getting “good" to “superior" results.
  1. On average, patients only need 12 treatments to achieve the greatest improvement (29% require more than 20 treatments, 17% require more than 30 treatments).

Only Cox® certified chiropractors can do Cox® decompression manipulation

Because the entire decompression process is controlled by the chiropractor, meaning it is not the Cox® decompression bed that automatically swings, so the experience of the chiropractor is very important to make sure that the pressure in the intervertebral disc should be released and reduced to achieve the best results.

Cox® decompression manipulation must undergo training and certification process, and it must be re certified every two years. Readers who are interested can refer to the official website of Cox® Technic ( for a list of Cox® certified chiropractors in Hong Kong.

Since the author is the first Hong Kong Cox® certified chiropractor, she introduced this treatment in 1994 and has helped countless patients achieve desired results in clinical practice. Therefore, readers will realize that only Cox® certified chiropractors can perform Cox® decompression manipulation.

The effect is proven by many academic researches and clinical trials

COX® Decompression Manipulation has passed many academic studies and clinical evidence for its efficacy in reducing back pain, including those from the United States National Institutes for Health (NIH) and Health Resources and Services Laboratory trials and clinical trials sponsored by the Administration (HRSA), private sponsors, clinicians and volunteers. In academic research, the efficacy of COX® Decompression has also been published in a number of medical publications and peer-review journals. For related information, please refer to the official website of Cox® Technic.

Illustrated MR 1, MR2

Severe lumbar disc herniation in the fourth and fifth segments in August 2011.

Illustrated MR 3, MR 4

In January 2016, the degree of herniated disc has been greatly improved, and the previously compressed part of the nerve root has also disappeared.


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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