Osteoporosis - cause and prevention - Excel Medical Group


Osteoporosis – cause and prevention

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How do we prevent Osteoporosis?

Causes of osteoporosis

From baby to youth, the body continuously absorbs calcium and the bone density is extremely high. But after  from the age of 35, the overall bone mass is loosing and the calcium loss will begin to appear.

As we have heard, a large amount of calcium loss can lead to osteoporosis. If the bone density becomes less, small holes will start to appear , and finally the bones are left with only the outer shell and the inside is empty. Which causes an unimaginable fragility.

Osteoporosis is not an inevitable disease. It generally occurs in women. When women reach menopause, the hormone secretion in the body changes, and the decline of estrogen affects serious calcium loss. As for people who are more susceptible to this problem, which includes hormonal disorders; people who take antibiotics regularly; people who are obese or inherited from the family.

There are no special symptoms for the early stages of osteoporosis, however the prevention is more important. When the problem develops, the bone density of the patient may be loosened, which can cause bone cracks, fractures, and increase pressure on the cartilage tissue between the bones and become thinner. The most obvious reason is that the spine is tilted forward. The situation gradually will form a hunchback. At the same time, the cervical spine became shorter which caused the head to tilt upward. As the ribs fell to the pelvis and pressed to the patient’s abdomen, the food intake will be affected, and the patient will have bone pain in the back and lower back.

Due to the fragility of the bones, patients, especially the elderly are prone to fractures, at risk of accidentally colliding or falling, and sometimes even spontaneously form fractures naturally.

Among them, the femur and wrist bones are more often broken. If the femur is broken, the impact is more serious.

How to prevent osteoporosis?

To replenish calcium, you can drink soy milk. Tofu and soy products will also have the same advantages. Of course, don’t forget to eat more dark green vegetables. Bones containing a variety of elements. In recent years, the United States has conducted a lot of research on magnesium. Although magnesium cannot directly strengthen bones, it has the effect of assisting in absorbing calcium. Therefore, appropriately increasing the absorption of magnesium is also beneficial.

In addition, vitamin D also helps to absorb calcium, which is why being under the sun can also be beneficial. Not to mention, lack of exercise is also the cause of this disease. Another cause is excessive smoking and alcohol, which of course one must quit.

In order to reduce the accidental fracture of the elderly, they should not be sitting in the chair from morning to night. Light and gentle exercise is very beneficial to the elderly. Despite this symptom, family members also need to accompany them on walks or play Tai Chi. Both body and mind are beneficial.

Since early osteoporosis has no special symptoms, many patients usually find that a large amount of bone has been lost when a fracture occurs, and it is too late to recover. Prevention is better than cure, and the best way to prevent osteoporosis is to check early. Through the high-density ultrasound bone examination or X ray Dexa measurement, the doctor can understand the patient’s health, physique, condition and cause through the degree of osteoporosis of the patient and the affected part to prescribe the right medicine and make treatment recommendations.


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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