Plantar Fasciitis - Excel Medical Group


Plantar Fasciitis

Excel Medical Group


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is a thick and broad fibrous tissue. It is located under the arch of the foot and extends from the heel to the metatarsal bones, helping to balance the curvature of the arch.

When the heel membrane of the foot is injured or compressed, the heel membrane may tear slightly. If handled improperly, the longer the time, the more serious the injured fiber will be, which will gradually lead to inflammation, burning pain and swelling. In the early stage of inflammation, the patient will feel a dull pain in the soles of the feet, and then it will become sharp pain. Patients will feel pain when their heels are on the ground or  when they wake up in the morning. Some patients will have heel pain after standing or sitting for a long time. But after walking for a while, the pain will continue to decrease because the heel fibers are relieved and stretched.

Cause of plantar fascistic

  1. Flat feet
  2. Too high arch
  3. Wide flat feet
  4. The insole of the shoe is too soft
  5. Running on toes or feet
  6. Standing or walking frequently at work
  7. Calf muscle tension
  8. Obesity


The treatment of plantar fasciitis generally takes 6 weeks or more, depending on the degree of the patient’s injury. Generally, the sooner the treatment start, the shorter the treatment time will be.

Chiropractors will use ultrasound and ice therapy to relieve inflammation and pain in the affected area. Feet mobilization can help blood circulation and increase joint range of motion. If the progress is not satisfactory, a foot brace will be added and worn to fix the ankle at night when sleeping, or the patient will be advised to order a pair of insoles (Orthotic). It is also recommended that patients apply ice pads to their feet for about 15 minutes after work or exercise. In addition, you can massage the position of the arch and foot and do stretching exercises after getting up.

Stretching Exercises

Studies have shown that stretching exercises are very helpful for plantar heel meningitis. About 83% of patients get relief after stretching exercises.


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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