Severe industrial accident leads to compressive spinal vertebral fracture - Excel Medical Group



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  • Severe industrial accident leads to compressive spinal vertebral fracture
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Serious industrial accident injury, T12 thoracic spine instability 3 segments (front, middle and posterior columns) compressive vertebral body fracture

I must say that you are a very lucky person.


 Even if your chest and thoracic spine are severely crushed by a huge 8-foot-high and 200-pound refrigerator, you still survive, and your central spinal nerves are not harmed.

 Even if the public hospital suddenly broke your unstable T12 thoracic spine fractures in the front, middle, and back columns, and allowed you to be discharged and sent home after 3 days, you can go to the private hospital for a second detailed examination!

 Fortunately, you have not caused irreversible and permanent damage to the central nervous system of your spinal cord due to the displacement of unstable spine vertebral fracture fragments before admission and two days before admission. Today all The surgery to stabilize your shattered spine is done.

Now, you can continue to enjoy the blessings of still living, the lower limbs are not paralyzed and disabled, you are still the only family support for your wife and children.

(#) This is an individual case, and the actual results vary from person to person.

(#) This is an individual case, and the actual results vary from person to person.



MBBS (HK), FCSHK, FRCS (Edin), FHKAM (Surgery)

Excel Medical Group
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