Trigeminal neuralgia - Excel Medical Group


Trigeminal neuralgia

Excel Medical Group


Facial nerves become extremely sensitive due to nerve compression: talking, chewing, drinking hot and cold drinks… brings a knife cutting, stinging pain towards the nerve.

This time it’s an 88-year-old woman

For more than 10 years, she has taken many medications to treat facial pain in public hospitals, but with the normal evolution and deterioration of the condition…the medications (serious side effects of drowsiness) are no longer effective…

Her daughter took her to the clinic yesterday. When I first saw her… she has a severe right facial nerve pain…tossing symptoms, unable to speak loudly…and suicidal ideation… Requested immediate surgery for many years of pain.

The operation was completed this morning (Microvascular Decompression MVD). After waking up from anesthesia, the nerve pain disappeared immediately, and she was finally able to speak loudly…and smile!

(#) This is an individual case, and the actual results vary from person to person.



MBBS (HK), FCSHK, FRCS (Edin), FHKAM (Surgery)

Excel Medical Group
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