Causes of Headache - Excel Medical Group


Causes of Headache

Excel Medical Group



Cause of headaches

I believe that each of us has experienced headaches once in our lifetime. Some headaches are mild and will pass instantly, while others can be painful that could last for hours or days. How do headaches develop and how should we cope with it?

Headaches can be divided into the following three categories:

Vascular headache can be divided into :
(1)Migraine Headache
(2) Cluster Headache

Migraine Headache
People often think that they have a migraine when they have a headache, which is a common misconception. In fact, migraine has its special symptoms and causes. Approximately 35% of migraine sufferers have an sign before the onset of headaches. Among them, visual disturbances, such as double vision, flashing lights, color lines, and color dots, are also a common sign. Ten to twenty minutes after the sign, the headache begins and the pain is most intense within an hour. This headache is very intense, pulsating, and is located on one side of the forehead, but it is not on the same side each time, and it may happen on both sides at the same time. The headache can last for 4 hours or more, and then become painful for one or two days. Patients also experience nausea, photophobia, diarrhea, cold limbs, and pressure and pain on the head and face. Some people may even have a relapse every few days, while others only have one or two episode a year.

Custer headache
This kind of headache has no sign. It usually occurs in the middle of the night, and the pain is very rapid. The headache can be the most severe in five to ten minutes, and the pain lasts for thirty to forty-five minutes, rarely more than a few hours.

Cluster headaches only affect one side of the head, mostly located around the eyes and forehead. Half of the face will be red and the eyes on the same side will be congested and watery. Red nose, nasal congestion, runny nose can also occur.  No nausea, and when the headaches are over, the feeling of dullness will continue for several weeks. During these weeks, the headache can occur once every few days or several times a day, and then suddenly stop the headache for a few months, or one, two years later, then the next cluster headache will reoccur.

Cluster headaches occur more frequently in men, in their 20s to 40s. People who smoke, drink alcohol or take vasodilators are more likely to get this condition. This type of headache is also a type of vascular headache. Medicine can be used for prevention and analgesia.

Tension Headache

Because the neck and back muscles are unbalanced, the spine is easy to have misalignment and pinch on the nerves, so that the nerves cannot control the neck and back muscles. Finally, the cervical spine, back and head are all affected.  Generally, analgesics or anti-inflammatory medication can only temporarily relieve pain, and have no therapeutic effect. Chiropractors will use chiropractic treatments to correct the spine misalignment and relieve the tension of the back, neck and neck muscles, so as to relief the symptoms and the root cause.

To cure the tension headache of the patient patient need to maintain daily exercise and correct their posture to maintain the health of the spine and muscles.


Encephalopathy refers to brain tumors, cerebrovascular tumors, or other brain diseases that can cause headaches. Most brain tumors are dull pain, lying down, coughing, or sneezing can make headaches worse. The headache is more severe when you get up in the morning. In addition to the headache, the patient will vomit, nausea, blurred vision and other neuralgias. When you have the above-mentioned headache symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis will not delay the condition.


Dr. Matty F.Y. Wong

Doctor of Chiropractic, NCC, USA

Excel Medical Group
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