Cox® Decompression Technic - Excel Medical Group


Cox® Decompression Technic

Cox® Decompression Technic

What is Cox® Decompression Manipulation?

Cox® Decompression Manipulation was invented by Dr. James M. Cox, a United States Chiropractor, in the 1960s.

It uses “Flexion-Distraction” and “Decompression” to adjust and manipulate the spine thus:

  • Well-researched, well-documented and proven effective technic:
  • Dropping intra-discal pressure -192mmHg
  • Widening the spinal canal intervertebral foramen 28%
  • Reducing pressure on the spinal nerves
  • Returning motion to the spinal joints

Cox® Technic is appropriate for conditions causing low back and leg pain as well as neck and arm pain. It also reduces pain attributable to:

  • Disc herniation/a slipped disc/ a ruptured disc
  • Sciatica
  • Stenosis
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • ( suitable for osteoporosis elders and pregnant women)

Cox® Technic is a well-researched, well-documented and proven effective technique for decompressing spinal nerves and treating back and neck pain. It is a gentle, non-surgical, low-force procedure which helps the spine heal properly – and keeps it as pain free as possible.


“Evidence-based protocols are tested in laboratory trials and clinical trials supported by privately funded, clinician-volunteer, and federally funded research grants through the United States National Institutes for Health (NIH) and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to name a few." – From official website of Cox® Technic

These evidence-based protocols are well-defined in medically published textbooks and peer-reviewed journal articles. You may visit the official website of Cox® Technic or  to know more about this evidence-based chiropractic care and its related research and publications.


High Intradiscal Pressure
Decrease Disc Space Height
Compressed Spinal Joints

“Before” VS “After” COX® Decompression Treatment


Pain Relieved
Reduced Intradiscal Pressure
Increase Disc Space Height
Spinal Canal Area Opened by 28%

Highlight of Cox® Technic Treatment Result

  • 91% of patients achieved maximum improvement in less than 3 months
  • 78% of patients reported fair to excellent outcome
  • On average, patients require only 12 visits to reach maximum improvement (29% need 20+ visits and 17% need 30+ visits)

Comparison between Cox® Technic & Back Surgery

Surgery in the long term shows slightly better results than conservative care but bares more risks as an invasive treatment. Click HERE to know more about Fail Back Surgery Syndrome ( FBSS ).

  1. Distraction Chiropractic Adjusting: Clinical Application and Outcome of 1000 case. Cox et al: Topics in Clinical Chiropractic,1996; 3(3):45-54,79-81
  2. Long Term Outcome reference –Atlas S, Keller RB, Wu YA, Deyo RA, Singer DE: Long Term Outcomes of Surgical And Non-Surgical Management Of Sciatica Secondary To Lumbar Disc Herniation: 10 Year Results From The Maine Lumbar Spine Study. Spine 2005; 30(8)
  3. Back Surgery shows a merely 8% higher satisfaction rate than Cox Technic
For more related information, please visit Cox® Technic Official Website
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